/The mission of Acupuncture For The People has always been to provide access to alternative Healthcare regardless of income or class. Our sliding scale has made that possible, some people pay more, some pay less depending on their means and it all averages out. In the changing economic landscape we are finding that our current sliding scale fees are not meeting expenses like they used to. One solution is to raise our rates, but we still want to keep the medicine affordable so we are only raising the top end of the scale. NEW SLIDING SCALE - $25-65. You can still pay $25 for visits but if you have the financial means to contribute more it will help us provide quality care to those who might not otherwise afford it while keeping our clinic financially healthy & stable. Everyone’s situation is different and what’s most important to us is that you are able to come in frequently enough to get the treatments you need to feel better. We sincerely appreciate the support of our diverse community and hope to continue sharing acupuncture with the world. [*New Client Fee will also change to $20, 1st visit = $45-85]