Closure for Clinic Remodel, Student Interns, Allergies & Waitlist [June '24 Newsletter]

Summer is almost here and it’s warming up out there! Be sure to stay hydrated and don’t forget your sunscreen and hats if you’re spending time outdoors. There’s lots to do outside like gardening and hiking. Have fun out there but try not to overdo it and ease into any increased activity.

This July we are going to remodel the clinic, replace the flooring, give it a coat of paint and update the furniture. It’s a big project that is way overdue. It’s exciting to update the office, but we’ll have to close for a short period to get it all done. It’ll only be a week (7/1 to 7/8) and it encompasses the July 4th holiday. Hopefully it won’t impact clients too much, you can always schedule before and after the closure to keep your care continuous. After it’s all done we’ll have a fresh new space to relax in with your acupuncture treatments.

It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since we incorporated Student Interns into our practice. It has been great to have Tiffany, Jen & Tia on board working with our lovely clients. They will be graduating next month and getting licensed by the Fall. We wish them the best luck on their exams and you may see them again this Autumn when they join the Staff as Acupuncturists. The next class of Interns will be joining us for Student shifts starting at the end of July – Elizabeth & Renee will take over Tuesday Eve 4-7:30 and Friday AM 9-1pm. In the meantime, Tuesday hours will be adjusted and Rob will take over Friday mornings.

Grass pollen is high in the Willamette Valley between Memorial Day and July 4th –that’s right now! You don’t have to suffer though, acupuncture can help with the sneezing, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, itchy eyes and scratchy throat. We can also work on boosting your immune system so that you are less sensitive to allergens and can enjoy the outdoors. Also try showering and changing your clothes when you get home to remove any pollen that you may track in.

The schedule has been filling up and our availability will be limited with the upcoming remodel and staff changes this Summer. Book ahead to get the appointments you need and if there are no spots, be sure to get on our Waiting List. You can call us (541)521-6285 or add yourself to the list in our online scheduling system – indicate what days & times you seek and how long it takes you to get to the clinic. If we have any cancellations, we’ll call to squeeze you in.

Summer Solstice is coming up on June 21st – the longest day of the year.

(541) 521-6285

P.S. As the days get hotter, cool off with an acupuncture treatment. We keep the treatment space a comfortable temperature and have air conditioning for those scorching hot days.

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